Aerial Archives
Aerial Maps and Satellite Imagery of El Dorado County, CA

An extensive selection of vertical aerial photography and satellite imagery of El Dorado county, CA, is available from Aerial Archives, and historical and current aerial maps.

Available imagery includes georeferenced aerial photography and satellite imagery of El Dorado county delivered both as prints and in digital form. Specialized services include delivery of geotiffs, customized labelling of aerial maps and output to specialized media. The aerial of coverage of aerial maps of El Dorado County can also be completely customized both with respect to scale and to show the county or only a specific community.

For current aerial photography and satellite imagery coverage of El Dorado county, California please contact us.

For historical research of aerial photography and satellite imagery of El Dorado County, California we recommend that you use the research request form. Additional information about the process of researching historical aerial photography and satellite imagery for your location is available at aerial photography research.

Copyright by Aerial Archives