Aerial Archives

Aerial Photographs of Rochester, New York

The aerial photography library of Aerial Archives contains a broad and diverse selection of aerial photographs of Rochester, New York in Ramsey county.

This aerial photography collection includes oblique aerial photographs of Rochester, NY, including aerial views of downtown Rochester, the New York State Capitol building, 3M, the Minneapolis St Paul international World Chaimberlain airport (MSP), St Paul Holman Field, the Mississippi river waterfront, the surrounding communities including Rochester, and major geographic features and freeways including the golf courses, parks, hospitals and major downtown streets. Also available are numerous aerials of the individual buildings in downtown Rochester.

The archive also contains a comprehensive collection of vertical aerial photographs of Rochester and aerial maps of Rochester, including aerial photos of the Rochester area both in color and black and white.

For current aerial photography coverage of Rochester, New York please contact us.

For historical research of aerial photography of Rochester, New York we recommend that you use the research request form. Additional information about the process of researching historical aerial photography for your location is available at aerial photography research. Additional information about obtaining existing aerial photography is also available at aerial photography research and at aerial photography research FAQs.

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